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Thai Massage stretch to open the chest

A traditionally holistic approach, Thai Massage is an ancient form of physiotherapy that combines compressions, passive stretch and acupressure in a rhythmic and systematic routine to the entire body. Also referred to as "lazy man’s yoga", Thai massage increases circulation, improves vitality and restores overall balance, releases muscle tension and aligns the body. It is an incredibly invigorating treatment which is effective at increasing flexibility, stimulating the nervous system, restoring postural dysfunction and helpful for those suffering from insomnia. 


Cost for all therapies:


30min $70.00

45min $100.00

60 min $125.00

90min $170.00


(H.S.T. Included)

Traditional Thai Massage

Andre DeCairos educator and massage therapist
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Scope of Practice


On November 24 2020, the CMTO changed our scope of practice and “rescinded two policies 1) the Complementary Modalities policy, and 2) Modalities Considered to be Outside the Scope of Practice policy."  Instead of providing a list of modalities that is, or is not in scope, they have adopted a new modernized standard in which a modality can be used if:


1.     It involves the manipulation of joints and soft tissue with the aim of maintaining or rehabilitating physical dysfunction

2.     You can obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks, benefits and side effect etc

3.     Training is sufficient to ensure safe treatment

4.     There is evidence to support the use of the modality for the benefit of the clients health


If the modality falls within this Scope of Practice, they may be billed as “Massage Therapy Treatment.”

Our Traditional Thai Massage and Chi Nei Tsang courses and treatments satisfy all the necessary requirements to qualify within our scope of practice.


For more detailed information please follow the link below:

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